Wednesday, 6 April 2016

Art and Painting

Art and Painting work are the diverse range of human creative skill and imagination producing works to be cherished mostly for their beauty or emotional power. Art has no age of limits and painting lives in the age of the image. Painting is the most beautiful thing that we can experience by mysterious. Vision of human imagination is an art of life. Every painting is the ‘thing in itself’ is incredible whose survival can only be intellectually deduced. The painting is thrilling to look at as the manner in which it captures the imagination of the onlooker. Art is an image about to make interior as image even oneself.

Some people feel that art is an item that beyond the imagination is made with the intention of inspiring the human senses as well as the human mind, spirit and soul. Art is created when someone arranges things into a new or different design because “art” means “Creativity”. To make a pretty design, arranges colors next to each other on a painting to make an image. Art is created by people because of expression of emotion and an attraction to be human sense. Mostly paintings are driven to make art due to their inner imagination. 

Painting is used to make art by using colors. On the other hand, many kinds of paints are used to create art such as watercolors, acrylics, oils and designing with pencil or chalk. The world famous painting ‘Mona Lisa’, was painted by ‘Leonardo DaVinci’.

Regular classes for Art and Painting, Summer classes also going on for school students with special discounts.
“Art makes a man complete”

For more information visit: Art and Painting classes